hi to all make sure you check out Miles and Barbara holiday pictures...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Well hi to all ...well new carpets are in ...three room painted ....house in a mess but we are getting there. Alison comes to visit next week ....we have chatted online for some time and this will be our first time meeting each other. Can't wait!!!
Barb sounds like she is having a fun and exciting time ...we all sure miss her and her blogs....of ideas.
Well back to the house stuff.....
Wish it would cool down for a while ...love the heat but boy we could use a break.
We have a big wedding to go to in Vernon on the weekend so I will blog a page of the big event ...till then hugs to all
Barb sounds like she is having a fun and exciting time ...we all sure miss her and her blogs....of ideas.
Well back to the house stuff.....
Wish it would cool down for a while ...love the heat but boy we could use a break.
We have a big wedding to go to in Vernon on the weekend so I will blog a page of the big event ...till then hugs to all
Monday, July 24, 2006
Well we made it thru our first yard sale.....it was not to bad. Even with the temperatures soaring to the 39 and 41 mark. But we will have to have another one. I have so much stuff. Hopefully the weather will cool down for the next yard sale. Any one out there know anyone who collects pink flamingo tell them to come on the my blog and leave a message ...I will get back to them....have lots of the flamingo stuff.
I want to thank my daughters for all their help and for doing the yard sale for me.
I appreciate it more than words can say.
Well I want to Thank You all for your prayers ...the house will soon be on the market ...one more room to paint and the three bedrooms carpeted. So please pray it sells fast.
I want to thank my daughters for all their help and for doing the yard sale for me.
I appreciate it more than words can say.
Well I want to Thank You all for your prayers ...the house will soon be on the market ...one more room to paint and the three bedrooms carpeted. So please pray it sells fast.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Well guys the newest news I have this night is we are going to put our house up for sale. And live in our fifth wheel and do some traveling. There is family we long to see and never have time or esle it is a short time. I will be able to retire for the summer and go when barry is on his days off....he works 4 day on and 4 off so it will give us lots of time to travel around (cause when he gets time off he has 12 days off in a row) something my job did not do. So this will be awesome ...our time. So if you could keep us in your prayers ..that the house sales fast... and we get things set up for the start of school for Missy(our granddaughter that lives with us). She is sad she has lived here her whole life so there are some tears. But the time is right and the family stands behind us ...and with their love we can do this. AND YOUR PRAYERS.
Hello to all ....well we had a great and wonderful time with Barb and Miles . They stop on their way to their wonderful holiday they take every summer . We did up smokies and marshmallows...and smores.....oh Miles liked those smores. It was relaxing and a nice time. Barb and I got some time on the computer ...she is so talented. They did a beautiful landscape picture of Oosyoos area ..it is so beautiful...it will go into our fifth wheel. If you get a chance visit their website Brainthrill or Barb's they have some really neat stuff there. Our prayers are with you guys and our love. See you both in late Aug. We will all get together at Haynes Point.

Alison says HI ....Missy says don't forget the postcards...and we all say have a great time ...we love ya

Alison says HI ....Missy says don't forget the postcards...and we all say have a great time ...we love ya
Well Sharley's stag ....I heard was awesome. I was able to go for the snack time...and get some pictures. They took her out on the town ...she is getting married July 29th in Vernon...to my nephew Bobby.
The girls in the pictures top left Sharley and Patty(maid of Honor)also my daughter. Next to that picture is Bob's mom Ann (my sister) Sharley and Patty. Middle Samantha (bob's cousin) and Ann. Next to that Samantha, Patty, Sharley, Ann and Candy(bob's cousin). The girls made a costume for Sharley to wear out and about. She was a hit ...where ever she went. Way to go Sharley ...always remember Marriage is a new step and a wonderful step. Always let love and honor be apart of your marriage ...and you can do all things.
love jud

love jud
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Well we got away the 5 and 6th of July ...then Barry got called to work so I decide I would camp close to his work. So we decided on Tunkwa Lake, by Logan lake. Well me and the girls relaxed all day long. Waded in the water ..and walked down to the waterfall that flows from Tunkwa into Leighton Lake.The girl decide to wade into the falls and found a perfect pool to sit and splash in. Some of the hair little guys at the lake watching go on our walk. And the big rescue of the girls and their raft. Then in the evenings Barry join us for a relaxing time on the lake.

The July long weekend ...Barry brother Bill and his wife Maggie came for a visit. With them they brought their granddaughter Sienna. Well what a cutey. Has you can see ...she loved our piano. My grandaughters got to play and spend time with her. She is the world to grandma Maggie. Sienna has been thru alot for a child of 1 and 1/2 years old. But she is a going girl. Thanks for sharing her with us Grandpa Bill and Gramdma Maggie.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
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