
Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Mother and her cows
She has a wall unit full of cows ..big ones little ones ..
ones that moo and ones that has salt and pepper in them.
So this is one is for you Mom ( The cow woman of Pritchard).

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Our sister in law Neti ...she loves her man so much . Dave got a wood heater for his little shop's where he works on the motorcycles . Well Neti got him some firewood..she didn't go out and buy the wood for him ...she went out the bush and got him some wood.
Now that's labour of love.
Thanks to bderksen for the elements used in this layout.
Show me thy ways, O LORD: teach me thy paths. (Psalm 25:4)

This green bottle I found when cleaning up the bottles outside...I thought how neat it was to see the ice crystals inside . Becky or Barb if you are reading the blog and have other ideas on how I could of taken the picture ....please let me know.

Friday, January 26, 2007

This is Andrea ..she is the girl that is staying with us till her and her mom get their new place.
Well today was Andrea's Day ..she won the award for Terrific Kid ( if you click on the picture it will go bigger and you can read what it says. They spelt out her name ..telling you a bit about a great girl. We are so proud of you Andrea ..keep up the good work.

And still another box ..these were given to me by Barry 's dad..him and I shared a great relationship ...I know he did not always do things the way people thought it should be done....but he tried to keep his kids and family together in hard times. These old lantern were used in a time where they would have a canary fly ahead ..and if it return great if not get out of the cave. They attached these lanterns to their helmets for light. They give off a very bright light ..we used them for camping for awhile ..boy are they bright. The way they worked was water and cobalt ..the two mixeng and producing acetaylene ..which was the light(dad I hope I ma getting this right) Barry's dad has passed on...but I know he is proud of his son's and daughters ..for they all have came along way. And yes Barry did follow in his dad's foot steps ..Barry is a millwright at Highland Valley Copper ..where Barry's dad was a foreman ..many years ago. Thanks for the little treasure you gave me so long ago .
(Thanks to VictoriaSecret for the elements use in this layout)

Here again another day of going through some more boxes ...these dolls were made by Nancy Forsyth ... a lady ..who never stop giving ..loving and praying for her family..she is in Heaven now ..and I know she is still praying for the family. These dolls she made have been sent around the world with love and I think a prayer attached to each one. I know the girls had fun with the dolls ..GG(Nancy) had put elastic on the foot of the dolls so the kids could attached them around their feet and dance with them. We miss you dearly.(Thanks to barb for the elements used for this layout.)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This past week sister Barb ..was telling us all how she was going through the house and cleaning...I figured ..why not me to..well going through some of the boxes that have been packed with stuff I will not part with right now. This can of flamingo cards come to the top of a box. These are very special to me and will go into our fifth wheel..(never to be use ) but to always remind me of Melanie ( our niece) The day she found this gift ..she was so excited to give them to me see I have can collection..and a very special flamingo collection. And Mel was so proud ..she had found something that filled both of my collections. Melanie ..I hope you see this blog page ...I still have the can of flamingo cards ..and I love them dearly..thanks so much ..we love you.
(The kit to do this layout was made for me by my sister in law ..has a gift ....thanks Barb)

This is located at the end of the Overlander Bridge you turn to go downtown Kamloops.

Someone add some color to it and it looks so unigue....and frozen.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Good day pictures for today's entries...just a big question...and I am hoping some one will give me some ideas.

For Christmas my awesome husband bought me a wonderful camera the question is ...lens ..I have a choice of either EF-S17-85mm f or EF70-300mm f or one zoom just smaller then that EF70-200mm f..the different in price is about $50...bu really which one would one use ....please any ideas ..welcome.

Also soem of thse lenses are SI---Image stabilizer Lenses and they say these are the best ....not sure where to found theses lenses. Any one know please let me know ..and
Thanks again for the help.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Has I had said earlier my dear sis TAGGED I am hoping the people I have picked will have fun with this oh yes my 5 weird things:


  1. Won't walk under a ladder.
  2. Still at my age cover my eyes throught the scare parts of the movies.
  3. I will not write on the back side of lined paper...just can seem to write or print neatly on that side of the paper.
  4. Oh yes ..if I should spill the salt I still sprinkle salt three times over my left shoulder.
  5. And funny this has stick with me since I was a kid ...stepping a cracks and breaking your mothers back.

so the people I am taggin are Alison , Kristin , Sharley , VJ's Scraproom , Scrapcat's Scrap Crap....I know I don't know you all but seem to like to meet and have fun....and these are your rules: List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. -- Tag 5 friends and list them. -- Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. -- Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

Well at my doctor's the other day ..they had posted some foods and drinks with info on them
this one was interesting:

McDonald's Shakes: Mcdonald's triple thick shakes look like ordinary shake.
You'd never guess that a large averages 1,120 calories and 28 grams of fat,
17 of them saturated.
That's about the heart-slamming fat of 2 Quarter Pounders...nearly the calories of 3.
Since when does a beverage supply half-a-days calories and close -to-a-day's work of artery gunk.
So next time the kids ask for the shake...think about that.
Well snow...snow...snow...snow....snow

boy it does not seem to stop ..
we have gone from hardly
no snow to all this. The pile of snow
on the stove chimney ..
is what has fallen
in the last 24 hours.
And it is still snowing
lightly now. But the sun trying
to come through.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Our Abi she has personality plus ..she loves to dress up.... to seeing things thru her donut.
She can talk up a storm and tell good stories to. Now Hannah.... her
and Tia just love to sit and watch ..Hannah may
not talk up a storm ..but her little smile
melts our heart.
Our little Melissa learningto skate..this year the school has been taking the kids skating ...and even Papa got a pair of skates and has been out there to helping . She has gotten better with every trip to the rink. Papa and her go over on Sautrday for a couple of hours. Also with school she was able to go to Harper Mountain and learned to snowboard.

Well...hmmm...I have been my sweet sister-in-law...this mean I must found five people to tag. When I found these five have to write down 5 weird things about yourself or your pets ---tag 5 friends and list them ---Those people need to write on their blogs 5 weird things , and state the rules , and tag 5 more people. Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

So fellow...bloggers ..I hope the ones I pick will have fun with this...I will return with my list of 5 weird things and who I tagged.....hehehehe

Our granddaughter Jordana Raye Forsyth,

give her heart to the Lord last night

(Jan 17,2007). Her mom and dad got to listen as this little sweetheart said her prayer and ask Jesus to come into her heart. We are so proud of you Jordana, we love you and we know the Lord loves you too.

Lord we pray your blessing on her and keep our granddaughter covered with your love.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Here are our grandaughters...dressup time ..we love them dearly all five of them .
Melissa , Jordana , Madison , Abigail , and Hannah
We have a little girl staying with us ..her family is waiting to move into their new home we offered are home while they wait. It has been a good thing for Melissa . Andrea is a great girl ..awesome manners and a great spirit of kindness. Her mom got the girls a project ..a Ginger Bread House ...they had fun .....

Patty's Birthday
Jan 9th , 2007
I know I am late posting this and I know Patty understands girl...
We did a fondue for her birthday dinner was fun.
(Jan 9th , 1980) you do the math.

I felt so young,
so strong,
so sure of God.

This is my cousin Terry (from Edmonton) he stop on his way thru to the island...nice to see you next stop for longer ...or even better come out in the summer and we can all go camping .

The girls love their new little kitten ..this kitten is so cute and so calm and really good with the girls.

Here's a couple more from Christmas ..this is DJ's place

Way to go DJ.....looks good

When I stand before God at the end of my life,
I would hope that I would
not have a single bit of talent left
and could say, "I used everything you
gave me."

This verse reminds me of my sister Barb ....she is so faithful to the Lord ..and has
used her talents to share with all of us.
In the last few weeks the Lord has blessed her and Miles with a
new home and a place of peace and tranquility.
And a view we all would love to have

Miles and Barb wishing you the best as you

you move into your new home come April.....

can't think of two people who deserve it more.

LOVE you two

Here are Abi and Hannah and Jordana and Madison with Santa ...luck guy.
We spend xmas day at Glen and Patty's . Glen's parents came up from Salt spring Island.
It as an awesome time. Has you can see from the picture of the tree ..lots of gifts and fun.
There's Missy with still another Brat's item.
And see the snow ..that fell ..made the yard look like a winter wonder land.
Thanks to all that came up to the Boyes for Xmas .
The games after dinner were fun.....that Settler game was fun.
(thanks to Shawn and Mindi for showing us the game)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Well here's the first one folks...does everyone remember Mrs Snowman?
You would of see her early in my blog sweet sister -in -law Neti made her.
I am trying to learn how to do night shoots forgive me if it seems to dark (learning)
As you all know Barry and I are downsizing ..getting ready for the day we are living in our fifth our tree is a little guy. But it was awesome and Mrs Snowmen decorated it more in our home. Thanks Dave and Neti ....
Well it has been a while not sure where to start ...knowing that people don't go back and read it is hard ...there are so many things that happen since my last lets hope everyone is like me and will read all the new enters ...

thanks for taking the time to read
