Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007

Here again another day of going through some more boxes ...these dolls were made by Nancy Forsyth ... a lady ..who never stop giving ..loving and praying for her family..she is in Heaven now ..and I know she is still praying for the family. These dolls she made have been sent around the world with love and I think a prayer attached to each one. I know the girls had fun with the dolls ..GG(Nancy) had put elastic on the foot of the dolls so the kids could attached them around their feet and dance with them. We miss you dearly.(Thanks to barb for the elements used for this layout.)
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Friday, January 19, 2007
- Won't walk under a ladder.
- Still at my age cover my eyes throught the scare parts of the movies.
- I will not write on the back side of lined paper...just can seem to write or print neatly on that side of the paper.
- Oh yes ..if I should spill the salt I still sprinkle salt three times over my left shoulder.
- And funny this has stick with me since I was a kid ...stepping a cracks and breaking your mothers back.
so the people I am taggin are Alison , Kristin , Sharley , VJ's Scraproom , Scrapcat's Scrap Crap....I know I don't know you all but seem to like to meet and have fun....and these are your rules: List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. -- Tag 5 friends and list them. -- Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. -- Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!
this one was interesting:
McDonald's Shakes: Mcdonald's triple thick shakes look like ordinary shake.
You'd never guess that a large averages 1,120 calories and 28 grams of fat,
17 of them saturated.
That's about the heart-slamming fat of 2 Quarter Pounders...nearly the calories of 3.
Since when does a beverage supply half-a-days calories and close -to-a-day's work of artery gunk.
So next time the kids ask for the shake...think about that.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
So fellow...bloggers ..I hope the ones I pick will have fun with this...I will return with my list of 5 weird things and who I tagged.....hehehehe

Our granddaughter Jordana Raye Forsyth,
give her heart to the Lord last night
(Jan 17,2007). Her mom and dad got to listen as this little sweetheart said her prayer and ask Jesus to come into her heart. We are so proud of you Jordana, we love you and we know the Lord loves you too.
Lord we pray your blessing on her and keep our granddaughter covered with your love.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Miles and Barb wishing you the best as you
you move into your new home come April.....
can't think of two people who deserve it more.
LOVE you two
Monday, January 15, 2007