Our Melissa girl....today was the last day of school for most kids in this area....so it was the day that our school recognizes the student and their achievements. Our Granddaughter received an award for her citizenship. This award was given to 8 students in our school it is for being a friend, a helper ...a good person to all...not that all the kids aren't like that ..but these kids went out of their way to help others ...not because they were told to or ask ..just because that's the kind of kid's they are. We are so very proud of her.
And to finish the day off she has been assigned to Grade 5 ----awesome report card.
(tonight she is having slumber party )
CONGRATULATIONS MISSY!!! Woo hoo! What a nice page Gramma made for you too! You're getting so grown up I had to make the picture bigger to make sure it was you! We are SO proud of you girl.
Love and Kisses
Uncle Miles and Auntie Barb
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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