Happy Birthday Miles
(thanks to Amy for the elements used to do layout)
This Thanksgiving we had two big dinners ..with family and friends ...one on Saturday... was early for we had people who had to travel..and on Monday another dinner with family and friends here in town ...I want to thank all of you ...it was awesome ..sorry I was slow on getting pictures ...I was having to much fun....
and to those who have that hate thing going ..I pray you had an awesome dinner and if by chance you saw some love there with family and friends ....just think what would happen it if you planted that love and not hate ...And with that I pray the best for all ....
(thanks to OliviaDorazio and Sophiasarducci for the elements used in this layout....and to my sis Barb for the cute pumpkins I used .....
The elements used in this picture..were made by Olivia Dorazio (she is a close friend)..they are located at...SophiaSarducci.... also always check on Barb ..she always has free stuff also.
There are some awesome kits located at Sophia Sarducci ..so please check it out and remember watch for the name Olivia Dorazio....
Remember just click on the blue color names....thanks