I have been reading these last few days ...a sad feeling of
loss and feeling of what is yet to come...
as we prapare to move and start off on another adventure....
here are a few things that has stood out to me ...
_____Life presents enough challenges without us adding
more burdens to our load. We can flip the switch on
guilt, worry and resentment once we become aware
of them. To prevent those downward spirals, make the
choice to eliminate the energy vampires. Your life will
become lighter and more positive.
If you struggle with perfectionism, challenge it every
day by being less than perfect. Uncover any unfulfilled
need from childhood that drives it, and fill that need
using the awareness you have as an adult today.
The path of forgiveness is the best way to travel
unburdened. Often it is the only way to unchain yourself
from the past. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness
So you can be free to live the life you really want.
more burdens to our load. We can flip the switch on
guilt, worry and resentment once we become aware
of them. To prevent those downward spirals, make the
choice to eliminate the energy vampires. Your life will
become lighter and more positive.
If you struggle with perfectionism, challenge it every
day by being less than perfect. Uncover any unfulfilled
need from childhood that drives it, and fill that need
using the awareness you have as an adult today.
The path of forgiveness is the best way to travel
unburdened. Often it is the only way to unchain yourself
from the past. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness
So you can be free to live the life you really want.
To forgive the unforgivable is the highest form
of love. In return you will be blessed
with peace and compassion.
Get over the disease to please.
Understand you cannot please everyone.
Being able to disappoint others is crucial
to reclaiming your life.
The longest journey is the journey inward.
Everything you want is on the other side of Fear.
and this one of the Irish Prayer is for all I love
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always be at your back
May the sun shine warm on your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again....
May God hold you safely in
the palm of His hand....
Very nice ma.....love ya
Beautiful thoughts Sis.
Ahhh but soon you will be settled and loving your NEW home.
thanks for sharing.
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