Wow do I miss my laptop well hopefully by Tuesday they will have fixed it or dropped from great height ...I miss you all out there Kim I hope you check out and see if I messed up.
KimB has been a great help and next to my SIL Barb ..those two help me see what scrap booking is all about ...thanks ladies ..make sure you stop by their blogs and say hi. well my chance to blog something ...Bare let me use the gaming computer for a couple of days I best be putting something up ...hugs to all
The new kitty in the house ...this is Socks and this is the grand girls love him ....

Hi Jordi ...this was a picture Papa took this summer ..we sure do miss you and Matty
love you both so much ...
Well a special thanks to the ladies who made these awesome kits for me to be able to show off the grand kids .....first to Popsicle Garden layout of Here Kitty kitty Next the layout of Jordi..this kit was designed by Shoebox Treasures by Crapty Scrapman
The talent these folks have is out of this world ..and they so willingly share their talent and time.