Well it has been a very interesting last couple of weeks ...now many of you know this but Abi has a quad ...a kids quad ...made for her size and age ....and she loves to ride it. Well Abi and the ground met and the ground won. Yes Abi broke her arm...but the awful part to this story is not really the accident ...but the trip to the hospital ...you see when Abi arrived at the hospital emergency...the doctor there thought ..hey just a sling was good enough ....well it was not. Our own family doctor when he did get the xray ..had Patty take Abi to the hospital and had a bone specialist called in...you see where the bone had broken ..had move and it was what they call a growing bone ...untreated the arm could of grown crooked. So our little Abi started on to her next big adventure surgery..the Children's Hospital in Vancouver, B.C. was called their bone doctor looked at the x-rays and said the arm needed to be pin so the bone would grow right. So these few pictures I have on this slide show show some of Abi's action packed 8 days since the quad accident. The specialist here in Kamloops was awesome . She is doing great ..and boy this girl has a pain point that is out of this world . Patty and Aunty Candy could not get this girl to take any medication after the surgery...and I mean nothing . The doctors were amazed..she was a little trooper. Now this next slide show is keeping one little girl happy while you wait for everyone to decide what to do next ...she had fun with the camera.....I hope you will enjoy. And thanks to all.
Abi’a has the Camera ...oh nooooo
Well like I said these 2 last weeks have been a challenge ..I am still with out my computer...never and I mean never shop the Future Shop ..and if you do please don't buy their extended warranty package ....boy am I learning ...think I would of learned after my brother-in-laws run in with them. Now they tell me maybe next week for my computer ...lesson learned.
Here is a layout using BethLong QP and KimB for the doodle birds ..thanks so much . This plant belongs to my SIL Neti ...I just love this plant ...and since she got it.... it has been blooming like crazy ..thanks sis for resending the pictures for me ...(I lost my laptop till the Future Shop founds it)

Great job on putting the pictures togeather mom.....My little miss Abigail is so brave in her adventure with very little pain.....She is my pride and joy and has a long road to recovery with the arm but very determined to do everything she loves to do she is keeping me very busy
Mom the slide shows were awesome glad to see some pictures before i got home.
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