Well this was Corey's catch today ...way to go guy...
Barry and Corey will be heading out to do some more ice fishing this week ...today was -23 on the lake so they will be waiting for a bit warm day ...awesome fish Corey
Just a thought for the day and the week....have a good one and remember smile ..the world needs more smiles
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:26-27
Well i am just happy that Missy likes here bedding she was hard to buy for this last year.
Yes my man sure did catch a nice fish....he's a pretty happy boy!
I'm sure she would LOVE the orange blankets, VERY vibrant and mod! So sweet of you Aunty Sam!
Mmmm, the fish look delish. What type did you say they are? Boy these men can really put a meal on the table, more than just a sport. I BET its freezing sitting out there. Do tell them to be careful!
Love SIL
Good Morning Judy:)
Love the orange blankets!!:)Your layout is soo cool too!!Great pics!
I would have to want fish really bad to sit out there in the freezing weather to get them...but they look like a great catch!!:)I bet you don't need an ice bucket out there.LOL
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