now this spot so reminded me of my sister in law Barb and her man Miles...the camping spot by this falls was so a spot you two would love private and fall flowing by and a view.....and free. A little bit up from this camping spot was a spot we could fit into and we spend the night ...
we did a lot of hiking the falls ...long the flowers fields ...and watching the helicopters with their buckets of water fighting a fire across the lake ...
Now Neti these flowers were so beaufitul thought of you and your flower garden so girl I went on a hunt and found some seed pods for us to plant ...

and this little tree made me think how beautiful the Lord has made this earth and also of my sister in law Neti ...she will know why ...
Well I also got some neat pictures of bees hope you like the layout ....I used elements and paper

Now Neti these flowers were so beaufitul thought of you and your flower garden so girl I went on a hunt and found some seed pods for us to plant ...

and this little tree made me think how beautiful the Lord has made this earth and also of my sister in law Neti ...she will know why ...

from my sister in laws Barb ..make sure you always check out her blog site ...she is an awesome lady and a great enjoy the layout below ....
now the layout below ...are old washing machine ...I thought they were so neat ...and yes one of them is an old Maytag washing machine ....thanks to LP and 3 dogs for this kit called Pistachino..make sure you check out her blog ....

Ohhh THX SIL - this place would be a dreamy place to relax. You are sure capturing the beauty of your travels and its always a treat to come and see what you've been up to!
The sweet pea things, we see these a lot when we travel in Oregon and Washington, they grow all over the place. They are so pretty and festive.
Lovely layouts - and boy oh boy am I ever glad we don't have to wash clothes like this these days.
Will look for you later for a good chat!
Love SIL
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