My SIL Barb .... always found such neat things
These salt and pepper shakers are so cute ....
This some of my sister in laws tattering ....she sent me
It is along the ruffle on this apron she made ...she can think of so may things to recycle and reuse. Way to go Barb ...I love it
That Aunty Barb....she is pretty talented and she sure does think of alot of ways to recycle/reuse and makes such cute and unique things.
Way to go Aunty barb!!!
Man oh man you really do keep your self very busy busy busy!!!!
What a sweet pic of Maggie and Peewwee - gave me a good giggle.
You make me BLUSH Judy, I am so glad you liked the apron and salt and pepper shakers.
Now, trying to think up something for THIS year's birthday gift. LOL.
Love you,
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