below is how it looks after Bare finished with it ...I love it .
___very private sundeck now ..nice for barb-qing_____
Above is the old look and below the new look for the front door inside
Well some more of the work has done to the trailer ...the back yard is all fenced and dig up now we start to plan what we will plant ...and how to landscape...Thanks to all who email and ask how it is going with the trailer ....and Val would love some ideas...cause you and Jim did an awesome job to your patio....
Have a great week ...
and Happy Thanksgiving To All
Wow, what a dramatic change - you guys must be ready to go to work for the Extreme Makeover *wink* Really, you've done an amazing job and I'm sure you will enjoy your new home. Congrats to both of you.
The front and back sure do look cute....Dad you have done a wonderful job and really have been a busy busy boy.
Good morning Judy:)
COOL!!! We finally get to see some more pics of your make over!!!! :) AWESOME work!!I love the changes and a difference they make.:)I bet you are LOVING it too!!
Jim still has to finish the sidewalks to our patio.The weather got too hot to work out in he twisted his ankle when digging in the hard,rocky ground and has had to limp to walk..and that put his back not much has been done in the mean time.Poor guy..and getting older doesn't help either.LOL His ankle is a lot better and now if his back would catch up..:)He still does stuff..goes to work and does the odd jobs around the house as he can.He's really handy to have around..I think I will keep him.LOL
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your wonderful comments.I really look forward to them.:)
Have a wonderful, fantastic day and thanks so much for sharing your pics with me.:)
Thatlooks fantastic Judy, boy are you luck that Barry is handy with a hammer and a nail.
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