
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ok a challenge from me to my SIL's Barb and Nina
ok this challenge is probably and easy one for them these girls are talented...
Here is where you can watch the video
it is the month pick

Stamping Tutorial - Technique of the Month Sample

so here are my attempts ..
this was my second card
this card below was my first try ...

has you can see the flower just did not come through
so that is why the second card ..
Make sure you stop by
Barb and Nina's
I just know they will have some awesome cards ...


Being Mrs Miles said...

Hi Judy,

Wow - your cards just POP! This actually turned out to be a fun technique and I can see some possibilities for the future. I REALLY like your swirly stamps - they make your eye flow around the card.

Thanks for hosting this challenge, off to look at your next suggestion.


Notes by Nina said...

Both cards are so pretty
Judy, I love all those swirls. Thanks for inviting us to try this challenge with you.