
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Here's are girl...her first time riding by herself. We all went to DJ for supper and a night of fun.
This is one family that makes you feel part of. DJ is Candy' s new boyfriend...and he is a great guy. He has a shop that Barry fell in love with.....every tool a man could want and DJ said came anytime..Barry the shop door is open. DJ has a couple motorcycle this size for kids. And Melissa had a gas's a few pictures of the Motorcycle Melissa

Thanks DJ for letting Melissa try the motorcycle out. And hey thank your mom so much for the homemade dessert. Can't wait to do this again.
Good day to All

Glen & Patty and the kids on a visit to Glen's Mom and Dad's place on Salt Spring Island.

Patty has sent me some of the wonderful pictures she took while at Salt Spring Island.

They took one of the boats that Ross owns ( Glens Dad) and went to join Glen's other family members in Saanich for a lunch at the habour there. Patty said the day was beautiful shopping got done.. but the 2 hour boat ride over was great . The ocean was smooth and the sun was bright.

The boat they are standing by is Ross & Irene's boat . The lady standing beside Irena is her mom is the kids Great Grandma.

Has we can see the ride back for Abi ..was napped time . Ross and Irene have invited all us down for fishing trip or just a boat ride ..which ever we would love to do.
(guess what Barry picked ..if you all said fishing you are right)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well it was a fun and exciting fun filled day...we all went to see Molly and the big comfy couch.

Village Green Mall in Vernon ..hosted
The Big Comfy Couch -- and Molly and Loonette and the gang were there.

The show was on the 26 & 27th of September ..and they were doing two shows a day.

Loonette and Molly and even the dustbunnies song & dance.

Here you can see the back of Bobby and Aj...Bobby knew the songs has well has the kids.

Patty , Hannah and Abi..all sit to see a well done show ...and the team from Treehouse were friendly ..and really put their heart and soul into making the kids happy.

If you would like to check it out click on the this site The Big Comfy Couch

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This maybe early but the time for Thanksgiving is coming...but this more was done to show my sister in law some of the beautiful elements she has created. She has been blessed with a talent and she shares it with all. She has been encouraging me to step into a new program of Adobe CS Photoshop. So tonight I stepped out and used all her wonderful fall elements to try working with in this program. Thanks so much Barb. And if you would like to found out more about this very talented lady just click on her name. Let her excitement for scrapbooking and photography turn your time into great memories and time well spend. Also check out her hints...good stuff found there.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Some helicopters that were stationed at the Manning Park Lodge for that fire that was just across on the USA side. Our Son-in-Law Glen ..was station there. Their helicopter is the East West Helicopter.(bottom left corner)

Our daughter went along with the two girls and joined her husband at Manning Park Lodge. The pilots and mechanics dig a hole and were trying to make a pool for the girls ..but what(?) no water to spare. So they all had fun in the sand. Great bunch of guys.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

How good and how pleasant it is that brothers sit together. (Psalm 133:1)

To all.. my Sister-in-law Barb having a BIRTHDAY tomorrow... (Sept 15)
so all the best to her and may God Bless her.

She is one awesome God loving lady.
If ever you need a friend or a shoulder that lady is there.

Her and her husband(Miles)are a couple who are always reaching out...

they lead praise and worship at their church.
And this lady can cook ...and the neatest little hints she finds.

If you ever want to read and be touch please check out her website
Mrs Miles
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Barb
Happy Birthday to you

Monday, September 11, 2006

Dedicated to Barb and Neti and Nina.
Thanks for touching my heart and allowing me in and to be part of:

A friend accepts us as we are
Yet helps us to be what we should be;
A friend affirms us when we're weak
And gives us strength to set us free

True friends will say what's kind and true,
though it may cause us pain;
They're thinking of what's good for us
And we stand to gain

A true Friend remains true to the end.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend---Proverbs 27:6
Through love serve one another. --- Galatians 5:13
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. ---Ephesians 4:32

We really live when we live to give.

The Cross is God's compass, pointing the way to heaven.
How do we decide when we will hurt one another:
so here are a couple of things to think about :

Actions speak louder than words.
Love without action is not Love.
Forgiveness is the key that opens the door to freedom from resentment.
Revenge takes you down to the level of your offender.
Never fear criticism when you're right; never ignore it when you're wrong.
Nothing weakens the truth more than stretching it.
An ounce of example is worth a ton of advice.
and last but not the least :

Our Granddaughter MELISSA

How time flies and then you look and see how much she has grown....our little sweetie...

We love you dearly girl..always remember that X O X O X O X O

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Well here we are in to the second day of school for some ...Our Granddaughter Melissa had her first full day of school today(Grade 5)...yesterday she recieved a pre recorded message from Hiliary Duff..and then this morning Hiliary Duff phoned again to wake up our sleepy head. Melissa was so excited. It was also the very first day for our grandaughter Jordana to school (kindergarten). We phoned to see how she liked it and she did. She lives in Fairview, Alberta. So we don't get to see them that much. One day soon we hope to be able to spend more time with them..before they are all grown up. Girls we love you dearly. Have a great year in school.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

I have been trying to think about how I could say how important family is ..this may talk about friends ..but I also think this could be helpful with family to.

C-A-R-E can help us remember four key elements of friendship

Challenge your friend to grow spiritually. A good friend knows the

importance of turning conversation toward matters of faith.

Affirm your friend's value. A phone call or note can let your friend

know how important he or she is and can keep your friendship

Respect the feelings and wishes of your friend. No one wants

a friend with whom ideas, dreams,and concerns fall on deaf
ears. A good friend is a great sounding board.

Encourage your friend through compliments and by doing good

deeds. Your friend will feel better after having been in your

Doing what's right today means no regrets tomorrow

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Oh here is one my sis Barb just told me the top of my blog ..there is place where you can type in a word ask to search my blog to found theses pictures to do with the word....example : wedding --would bring up any pictures to do with that word ..that is so neat it might be easier than going thru the old archives. Thanks Barb...she is always helping and encouraging me.

Well here are a few more pictures of the ring bearer can see it don't bother him...he was ready for action. Here are the moms getting ready to share in Bob and Sharley's special day.

Here are a few photos from the photographer of the couple and their wedding party.

Again Bob and Sharley we all wish you the best now and in the future...let your love grow.
Here are a few things to think about:

Friends celebrate the things
they have in common and delight
in the things that make them different.

Special friends have a gift
for bringing beauty into our lives.
Like friendship, all the nicest gifts
come from the heart.
The thoughtfulness of a friend
can make an ordinary day

Friendship is often like a soft breeze
that soothes and refreshes the spirit.

To your enemy...forgiveness.
To your opponent...tolerance.
To a friend...your heart.
To a customer...service.
To all
To every child...a good example.
To yourself...respect.
Mark 11:24
"Whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have recieved it,
and it will be yours."
If ever looking for a good screen saver or a card with meaning look at website Crosscards

It offers lots of great things..

Friday, September 1, 2006

Well our sister-in-law Neti is a great cook and baker...she spoiled me crazy these last four days ...but she even went all out for me ...before she arrived. She made me her Cinnamom buns ..complete with icing ....oh boy ...what a treat. And she even baked her homemade buns. I want to THANK YOU so much Neti ...thanks for the baking but most of all for the love that goes with doing these treats for us all. We love you girl.

(I want to thank my other sister-in-law Barb for the elements used in this page.)Visit her webite site Mrs. Miles