
Monday, September 11, 2006

Dedicated to Barb and Neti and Nina.
Thanks for touching my heart and allowing me in and to be part of:

A friend accepts us as we are
Yet helps us to be what we should be;
A friend affirms us when we're weak
And gives us strength to set us free

True friends will say what's kind and true,
though it may cause us pain;
They're thinking of what's good for us
And we stand to gain

A true Friend remains true to the end.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend---Proverbs 27:6
Through love serve one another. --- Galatians 5:13
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. ---Ephesians 4:32

We really live when we live to give.

The Cross is God's compass, pointing the way to heaven.


Being Mrs Miles said...

thank you Jud, what a sweet tribute. Its all so true and I'm always here for you. Love you to bits.