Glen & Patty and the kids on a visit to Glen's Mom and Dad's place on Salt Spring Island.

Patty has sent me some of the wonderful pictures she took while at Salt Spring Island.
They took one of the boats that Ross owns ( Glens Dad) and went to join Glen's other family members in Saanich for a lunch at the habour there. Patty said the day was beautiful shopping got done.. but the 2 hour boat ride over was great . The ocean was smooth and the sun was bright.

The boat they are standing by is Ross & Irene's boat . The lady standing beside Irena is her mom is the kids Great Grandma.

Has we can see the ride back for Abi ..was napped time . Ross and Irene have invited all us down for fishing trip or just a boat ride ..which ever we would love to do.
(guess what Barry picked ..if you all said fishing you are right)
Wow - Patty took terrific pictures - looks like they had a wonderful time. Thanks so very much for sharing. Patty - you look amazing! Jud, thanks for blogging this.
We had a wonderful time there...The kids loved it they even brought home pretty rocks from the island
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