Judy - your garden looks just lovely - its amazing no one has bought your house yet, just for the garden alone. thanks for sharing, these are just beautiful. Your journalling and layouts just get better and better, and how sweet you used Gina's Garden Kit. I love you!
Hi! I found your site through CWO random hit! The pictures are beautiful! I have to ask, what is the name of the pink flower? I moved into a house once with these flowers and I loved them and desired to get more, but didn't know what they were. Blessings!
Beautiful Flowers! Great shots keep up the good work...
Judy - your garden looks just lovely - its amazing no one has bought your house yet, just for the garden alone. thanks for sharing, these are just beautiful. Your journalling and layouts just get better and better, and how sweet you used Gina's Garden Kit. I love you!
Hi! I found your site through CWO random hit! The pictures are beautiful! I have to ask, what is the name of the pink flower? I moved into a house once with these flowers and I loved them and desired to get more, but didn't know what they were. Blessings!
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