Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Now I want to say a very BIG SORRY to Barb and KimB and AmyW..I forget to thank them for the elements used to do my last blog page without these talented ladies providing all these elements ..this person would be in deep trouble... so ladies I am sorry ...and also thanks to Joanne for her elements used too...
Saturday, June 21, 2008


love from all of us here in Kamloops
way to go ...HAPPY 53RD MOM & DAD ...GRANDPA & NANNY...AND GREAT GRANDPA AND GREAT NANNY ...(all the kids call Mom --Nanny)
We all LOVE you guys

Friday, June 20, 2008
Tom and Robbie meet and were married 1970 ...where something happen and they divorced in 1977 ..they had two kids (one boy , one girl)..and from what I know of their daughter they had two great kids life would move on for a bit 7 years ..maybe there is something to this 7 year itch (don't know for sure ) but these two would unity again and have been together since. Now this January 2008 they decide to do the right things for their kids and their love ...yes folks they got married May 11, 2008. Love can beat all odds and stand ...well
Now there granddaughter Ellesia was lucky to be their flower girl and to be part of the awesome event ..way to go ELLESIA

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008

To Papa and Dad from all the kids and grandkids ..that love you dearly

To Our Son and Dad of two great kids...Jordana and Madison

God took the strength of a mountain
The majesty of a tree
The warmth of a summer sun
The calm of a quiet sea
The generous soul of nature
The comforting arm of night
The power of the eagles flight
The joy of a morning spring
The faith of a mustard seed
The patience of eternity
The depth of a family need
Then God combined these qualities
And then there was nothing more to add
He knew his masterpiece was complete
And so he called it...Dad.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Now it did not take Maggie long to be out and fishing up a storm ...this lady likes to fish ...and she knock them dead ...Bill stood no chance ...

Has you can see here she was catching them right and left ....way to go Maggie...Barry was the fish guide ...and he found those hot spots for her.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Well here she is the Princess for the day and everyday ...our little Hannah......she turns 3 today we love you girl ....she had her party on Sunday ..I will be posting a slide show when all pictures are in ...her great grandmother was here so I want to be able to add her pictures to look for them in the next couple of days.
I want to thank KimB for awesome kit called I Believe
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Barry and I had the grandgirls Abi and Hannah spend the night ...well if I can get it upload we have short video of Hannah catching a fish ..and I mean a nice size fish ..she was so cute. Then this morning Papa planned a treasure hunt ...he had gone and hid a treasure for the girls ...they had to go to the other end of the lake Papa allowed each girl to steer the boat...then had fun wiht that. Well I hope I can get the video's up of the fun then had ....they are so cute.
Thanks KimB for paper and elements used
Monday, June 2, 2008
Well on Sunday ..Glen and Patty get out to the lake papa took the girls fishing the weather wasn't the greatest ..but he had them singing and the idea they should be looking for treasure. Abi loves to fish...Hannah and her held on to their fishing rods ...even when it started to rain ..they still wanted to be out on the water. We are going to bring them out for a night or two. Now if the weather will start to be warm and the sun to shine .they can come out.
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Barb was close at hand to help me if I got stuck ...thanks so much Barb ...thanks for the time ...the patience and the love ya sis