Auntie Barb look close Abi decorated the clothes line...with all the colorful clothes pegs
she wanted to make sure you noticed that ..other pictures here are from the wild flowers the girls picked when they stayed over night ...a bouquet of flowers for Mom and Auntie Sam...

This is a lake always changing can see the beauty and you can feel the peace..
if you like to camp and fish and just see the Lord's beauty is all here

Well the sleepover in the tent at Duffy lake...well the weather could of been nicer ..but hey
these girls made up their own fun..
On Saturday night they had Sam and Patty hiding glow stick in the hill behind us ...
at 12:00 at was had by all

Now I want to say a very BIG SORRY to Barb and KimB and AmyW..I forget to thank them for the elements used to do my last blog page without these talented ladies providing all these elements ..this person would be in deep trouble... so ladies I am sorry ...and also thanks to Joanne for her elements used too...
Now this page I have used Barb's elements ..for both layouts ..and please always make sure you stop and visit their blogs
AWWWW ABI, thank you THANK YOU from Auntie Barb, the pegs are BEAUTIFUL! Judy, I love how you used the lanterns they look FABULOUS. I see my moon up there too, how cool. The girls look like they had a hoot. Thanks for sharing!
love you
Great layouts ........We had a blast coming up and camping for the night.......Can't wait till this weekend coming
Love the pics of the lake makes me want to get out of here that much seems to be getting in the way! Wonderful job on your layouts jud.
Thanks for always sharing.
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