Yours is the smile
I look forward to each morning,
and yours is the voice
I love to hear throughout the day.
Yours is the touch
that can reach my heart and soul,
and it is your understanding
that so often calms
my doubts and fears....
Yours are the plans
and dreams
that blend with mine,
becoming ours,
and yours is the love
that means the world to me.
My life would be so different
if you weren't a part of it,
and that is why no one
has more to celebrate today
than I do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HUSBAND... my best best friend
We miss you ...have a great birthday party today ...I know Mom & Dad will be spoiling you ya
Also a Happy Birthday to my Brother-in-law Bill ...and my nephew Bobby ...look who is 30 today ...hehehe

Yes all these people have a birthday on this date Dec 6th.... it is a day full of love ones and we pray the very best for them all you all
Very nice layout Judy. Well done.
I agree with Nina, simply gorgeous! Wow - all these birthdays at once, what a way to keep you busy! I hope to post just a birthday wish to my blog in a moment, just something little, I am such a bad blogger these days. Give our Bruddy a big hug for us.
Love, SIL
Happy Birthday Dad....Glad we got to spend the day with you Dad and thanks for the wonderful dinner ma!!!!
Madi i know you will never see this but Aunty is wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday Uncle Bill hope you had a wonderful day.
Good morning Judy,
Well..I don't have to ask how you spent YOUR weekend.LOL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!:)
You did a fantastic job on your layouts Judy...such fun!:)
I just came from Barb's blog and told her I can't believe it's been a year already since their last bday.Wow..where has this year gone?:)
Thanks for stopping by again and leaving me a wonderful comment.I LOVE your visits!:)
I have to catch up on laundry today.Oh fun!!LOL Was really busy this weekend.No time for it then.:)
Hope you have a wonderful day my friend.:)
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