May you always be warmed by each other's smile,
Always take time to walk and talk a while,
Always know deep down you're each other's best friend,
And enjoy the kind of love that grows and knows no end.
Wishing you an 'always' kind of love!
Always take time to walk and talk a while,
Always know deep down you're each other's best friend,
And enjoy the kind of love that grows and knows no end.
Wishing you an 'always' kind of love!

"God gave you two
a special love
to share...
...because He knew
how much you
would cherish it.
a special love
to share...
...because He knew
how much you
would cherish it.
All our love
and hugs
Happy Anniversary Miles and Aunty Barb!!! Hope the two of you had a wonderful day.
I'm sure your mister spoiled you and i'm sure you spoiled your mister.
AWWWWW - thank you so much. My Mr. DID spoil me to within an inch of my life. Your layout is so sweet and lovely Judy. You are always so thougthful.
Love, Barb
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