getting to be a big boy ...he may not say much ...but he loves to smile and laugh and dance around ...loves his music.
Now I want to show some of my great helpers ..this is our grandson Drew ...awesome little golfer..and cabinet maker...thanks Drew.
Yes that is Melissa (our granddaughter)...she did an awesome job ..painting the roof and walls of the front room ..she also did her bedroom...thanks girl
Now this is Candy and DJ our daughter and son in law...boy with the help of those two ..Barry and I would still be trying to get water out of the water lines ...yes DJ is the plumber ..thanks guys
Now this is Ethan ...he is the supervisor the kitchen on two of the walls we painted up so far..with one color then the other color to the roof ...then we trimmed to divide the two colors ...good job Ethan telling Papa what to do ... see what I mean ...just gave the room a different look ...
and those pics are the other two walls...this is about how much we will do to the kitchen needs a new floor ...but we just put all new windows in the floor will have to wait ...
On these next few pictures are the back yard ...yes what a mess ...when this heat goes away Barry and I hope to get this looking better ....I will keep you posted there is a lilac tree by that shed ...I have now pruned it ...keep our fingers crossed I did it right.
Now these next two pics are flowers that were growing off to the side of where I took the picture ...they looked so out of place ..but so beautiful ...yes I picked them and will try to dry them .......well that has been our week some of the crew that helped us I have not posted ..but everyone was a big help ..and in time I will get their pictures up with a big thanks.
Just want to show you a couple of things from the front room ...this picture below is a wall of all my sister in laws paintings ...the very top picture the one in the black frame is a photo that Miles did up is of where they live is beautiful done.Barbhas a blog site to so make sure you visit her ..just click on her name...
This is just another view of the front room windows look awesome .
Well thanks for stopping by ...hope to blog later in the week ...with fishing pictures ...HAHAHA
Wow your home looks fabulous! I especially like your big front window -it's so light and airy. It is heartwarming to see all the help you have received. You have decorated very tastefully - looking forward to seeing it in person when we come.
Ethan is an adorable little man and I look forward to giving him a huge hug!
Good morning Judy:) Thanks so much for stopping by again and leaving such a wonderful comment for me.:)How sweet! I have been so busy and with so much on my mind lately.Jim's Dad had a major heart attack this last week and is in the hospital in Fla.(This after having a stroke back in the middle of July.)They think he has internal bleeding somewhere cause his blood count is low after giving him whole blood to bring it up.:( Jim's Mom has Alzheimer's and his sister is having a rough time trying to deal with Dad's recovery and her Mom repeatedly asking her the same questions..etc.Sometimes we wish we had part of us could be there to help out.KWIM? His sister is suppose to let us know if we are needed down there.Prayers would be greatly appreciated!:) Thanks in advance!:)
I LOVE what you have done to your new home and WOW...I bet you are loving that BIG kitchen!!:) I also love the way you did the walls with the chair rails.COOL!! I have that in my dining room and LOVE it.:) Jim did a plaster on the walls for the bottom half (like stucco) and I painted it a solid color and the top part ..I sponge painted.I am very happy with it.:)It is sooo sweet for everyone to help out with your remodeling and I bet Ethan is "in training" for a future supervisor job.hehe He is growing up SOOO fast!Cute as can be too!!:) Well..if I don't stop there won't be any room left for more comments from your friends and I better say bye for now and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.:)
Wow your home looks fabulous! I especially like your big front window -it's so light and airy. It is heartwarming to see all the help you have received. You have decorated very tastefully - looking forward to seeing it in person when we come.
Ethan is an adorable little man and I look forward to giving him a huge hug!
Love you
Good morning Judy:)
Thanks so much for stopping by again and leaving such a wonderful comment for me.:)How sweet!
I have been so busy and with so much on my mind lately.Jim's Dad had a major heart attack this last week and is in the hospital in Fla.(This after having a stroke back in the middle of July.)They think he has internal bleeding somewhere cause his blood count is low after giving him whole blood to bring it up.:( Jim's Mom has Alzheimer's and his sister is having a rough time trying to deal with Dad's recovery and her Mom repeatedly asking her the same questions..etc.Sometimes we wish we had part of us could be there to help out.KWIM? His sister is suppose to let us know if we are needed down there.Prayers would be greatly appreciated!:) Thanks in advance!:)
I LOVE what you have done to your new home and WOW...I bet you are loving that BIG kitchen!!:) I also love the way you did the walls with the chair rails.COOL!! I have that in my dining room and LOVE it.:) Jim did a plaster on the walls for the bottom half (like stucco) and I painted it a solid color and the top part ..I sponge painted.I am very happy with it.:)It is sooo sweet for everyone to help out with your remodeling and I bet Ethan is "in training" for a future supervisor job.hehe He is growing up SOOO fast!Cute as can be too!!:)
Well..if I don't stop there won't be any room left for more comments from your friends and I better say bye for now and hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.:)
Huge hugs,
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