Well Mojo Monday ...right not today this is Mojo Saturday cause Judy's behind....here is a try out for the card layout .....hope you like ...
not to sure about the card ...red is a color I found hard to work with .
Well many have been asking where have I gone ...well I get 9 days of camping ...couple of those days were by myself ...so nice ...so quiet ...but no Mojo Monday for me....A group of us meet for what we call a fishing derby of friends and family ....so I went up early to save spots for all....it was great.
...last year my SIL Neti caught the biggest fish so this year she got to pick the lake... Duffy Lake
it was....
The fish above were a few that got caught ...no they were not the biggest ..the biggest fish was caught by Bare ...so he picks for next year....
and yes Peewee ...I am to tell you Bill he is ready for training...your brothers said you would understand....???
and yes we have wind sock that we put up on a pole that is on our fifth wheel...well has you can see the fish in the tree.
Make sure to stop by my SIL Neti she has some great pictures of our time at the lake.
(you will found her name in my list of family and friends)
So have a great weekend ....