Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sturgeon Lake to The Peace River to Fairview and Home
I want to thank Shawn and Mindi for making the trip over to Surgeon Lake and the time we had with them…we love seeing the granddaughters Jordana and Madison . They were so much fun. ….
Our son had so much fun out fishing his dad ….and me. And that Mindi can she cook …she made these awesome pies for each one of us over the fire ….cherry or apple were the choices. She got me out on the bike and off we went looking for the beaver dam that was located somewhere in the park ..it was fun Mindi …thanks for the great time.
Melissa, Jordana, and Madison had an awesome time from fishing to card making to riding bikes to swimming and I do mean a lot of swimming ….those girls could of swam till the cows came home..the water was so warm . Melissa was asked back to Uncle Shawn and Aunty Mindi’s for a VBS (bible study week) so we said sure ….so Barry and I did get some time alone on this lake. Thanks for asking guys she loved it …she made new friends and learned a lot .
We left Sturgeon Lake ahead towards Fairview….but we decide to stop at Dunvagen to fish the might Peace River ….boy that river moves ..but we had an awesome time …and it was awesome …both Barry and I caught Northern Pike …boy they sure do get big in the river these fish. No pickerel caught ..darn it. But it was awesome just to catch a fish. We got to watch a helicopter fly in supplies to a crew of fellows working on the Peace River …there are plans to build a big Hydro dam there.
Melissa at VBS in Fairview
After two days there we headed into Fairview to a family lunch that the VBS was doing for the kids and had fun …Papa got a video so has soon as he can he will do a little one for me to blog . The girls were so cute. We spend the next day and a half with the kids …we then left on Sunday afternoon …and headed through the busy BIG city of Grand Prairie…boy that place is so busy and growing so much….looking for a job go there …so many jobs available ..and good pay to boot . We travel down to Hinton and parked there for the night ..and let me tell you it was not a good night …we found out at the point that our cat Sassy had got out of her kennel and was gone..so we have a very sad Melissa, Papa and Grama …she is tattoo so just maybe someone will turn her in to the SPCA where she is registered. So going to sleep was rough for Melissa . Well the next morning we did some shopping at Walmart ..and then head home…it is still so green up around this area. Well I must say drivers today they are scarey …they pass on solid yellow lines and they really don’t care who they take out ….we had these two little black cars..that seemed to love jumping in between the motorhomes, trailers ..it was driving Barry crazy one got so close to our backend that we had to stop they were going to be in the bumper. So Barry decide to stop at Robson Prov. Park to let these people pass …then on we went only to get a bit down the road ..to an accident …a little black car ..head on into a Semi truck ..the trucker tried to miss the car and hit a row of motorcycles and one fellow standing by them got a broken leg ….trucker drive was ok …now in this little black car ..which had hardly anything left of it ..well the drive dead …11 year old dead….26 year dead ..a little boy was helicopter out and is in serious condition ..the woman who was driving ..was their aunty. You see the lines were both solid yellow and no one should of been trying to pass ..and not when a truck that big is coming at you..and please plan your time with enough time …life is to short and to gamble with it …it is even shorter. So that was are sad ending to a very awesome trip ..and time with family. And here shortly we will be spending some more time with family ……well all our love to all hope to see all of you over this summer holiday.
Love and hugs
God Bless you all

Thanks to KimB for the paper and elements used in this layout...this comes froms KimB kit Softly Sweet and you can purchase this kit at DSO
One last layout I have been working on ..I hope you will enjoy it ..the paper the elements are from the sweet ....the bestest....the greastest...friend ..sister..sister-in-law a person can have and did I mention talented and creative and also my guardian angel ....well all others just dump and run ..she stands and tell me how it is with love and understanding ...and still accepts me for me ...
Olivia ODorazio ( aka) Mrs Miles
You can purchase this kit from Sophia Shoppe also
This is my son Shawn ....and me ...love you dearly Shawn ..and thanks again for sharing your time and family with us ....we love you all
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
On the Road
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008

She is Corey's daughter ...and has we all know Corey is the man in Samantha life.
So you will be seeing more of the three of them .
I want to say thanks first to Olivia ( aka Barb) for the first kit called Peppermint and Polka Dots(which you can purchase at Sophia Shoppe) and for the second layout thanks to KimB ...called Softly Sweet( this can be purchased at DSO Shop. Thank you again without these ladies talented I would be lost . Make sure to check out their blogs or the shops .
Thank you so much ladies
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Celebrating Judy and the Children!
This slide show was done by my sister - in-law Barb ...it is an awesome job ..please make sure you stop by her blog ..she has some very awesome stuff and info for all ...thanks sis ..love ya!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I will be adding more pictures as the week goes on ...just trying to do a little bit to each one ..and a bit of a story to who they are ...have a great week and Happy Canda Day