
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Sky's over Sturgeon lake

Sturgeon Lake

Well are time with the kids here at Sturgeon Lake ..has ended ...they have headed home.
Here are some photos ...
as you see by the slide show ..the sky ...oh the sky Jordana having fun

Melissa and Jordana making some cards for Auntie's

All of us


Being Mrs Miles said...

Judy, these are some of the best family photos I've seen. How DID you get everyone smiling at once? VERY very nice!

Your sky photos are STUNNING!!!

Thanks for sharing. I'll be looking for you online!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures Judy!!! Looks like you all are having a great time. We miss you and look forward to seeing you upon your return. Have a safe journey home. Thanks always for sharing such beauty!


NotJustLaura said...

You're right about that sky - it's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a wonderful time mom and that everything turned out to be just deserved some time with your son and his family.