Well here is a quick look at the of Melissa xmas concert ....her last one she will do ..next year she is off to high school ...
Our little Hannah ..boy time flies ...she so wants to go to school ..she keeps saying ...I'm all grown up ...she is a sweety ...she loves to craft...
Abi what can I say ...now this girl is ready for school ...she loves to learn ...and she is a big helper...you never ever have a moment where she is not asking how does it work ...what does it do ..or did you know ...
Thank You Papa for doing the small little videos for me ...he is getting so good at doing these up for me ...
Thanks to my SIL for the kit and the freebie she offered today ...you can pick up the musical note with the Santa hat there Mrs Miles .... and make sure you also checkout my other SIL Nina ...she used it to ....
I am sure if you asked she would put it up again for you to get ....she is an awesome lady
Credits go to : Olivia ODarzio aka Mrs Miles for the window..the xmas balls to Valj ....and the rest of course to KimB ...between all her festive Xmas kits she has put out ...you will have a hard time to see what you will play with next ....thank you ladies for all the time and love that goes into all that you created.
Well enjoy your Sunday ..and God bless you all
P.S found this saying and thought of so many of you out there and the love you show and share and for what you believe in ....
Remember: Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read, so make sure yours makes the right impact on others
Barry ..my husband ..I just wanted to also say I love you with all my heart ...
Also check out my SIL Mrs Miles for birthday wishes...for her brothers