
Saturday, December 11, 2010

My $2.00 found at the church sale ...his nose blinks ...
Well the girls came into town and wanted to visit and make a ginger bread who else do you phone and get their help ...AUNTIE SAM...

and the fun begins...Ethan loves all the Christmas lights so he is off turning things on all over the house ...gotta love it ...
Well he is helping Abi design ...he likes her had to sit beside her ...she is so good with him ..both girls are
well the house is getting close to done between eating the candies and icing ....
AWWW...the finished house ...way to go
a fun nite for all...


Notes by Nina said...

Very nice gingerbread house, Zach and I tackle our first house today;

VJ's Scrap Room said...

Good afternoon Judy.:)
Wow..what a COOL gingerbread house.Christy and I did one a couple of years ago and placed it on top of the microwave.NOT a good idea.The heat didn't bother it..but opening and closing the door did. Every time we did that..another piece would fall off.LOL
Happy Belated Birthday to Melissa!!! Hope your wish comes true.:) My sister's bday is the 10th too.:)
I just knew Barb would like that video I sent her.My nephew had posted it on Facebook and I followed the link to you tube.:)Just had to share it!!:)
Your cards are amazing!! I have been trying to get my Christmas cards done so I can put them in the mail ..hopefully before Christmas.LOL
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!


Samantha said...

Well i had fun helping the girls and i cant wait until Ethan and I can make one together.....well i can wait only because i dont want him to get to big :)

Thanks girls for asking Aunty to help.

Being Mrs Miles said...

This is special! I ache to make one of these now, and I need little peoples around, sigh sigh. Sammy you're the best auntie. Sooo glad your mom posts all these photos, this blog is a journey.

Wonderful posts Judy - great photos. Will try to give you a ring one day soon, catch up with you!
