Now this awesome advent calenders were made by our daughter Samantha...she made them up for Abi and Hannah ...they are filled with a surprises till Christmas....way to go Samantha they are beautiful and the girls loved them
This was Hannah's
and below Abi's ...
The girls are dressed for their Christmas play that was last night was awesome ..Papa got video so has soon as he can I will try and put a bit of it ...thanks for the good times girls and Patty thanks for the dinner was awesome.
Well here is my attempt...I was so set on doing a circle on this card I used my SIL Barb's creation ...the Christmas ball ...she has it posted on a her church's site OCC I am sure it is still up and you can get it ..and use it and maybe let her know how you used it in a craft layout.( just click on her name and OCC and off you will go)
and this one I did stray ...but our daughter 1st anniversary is coming thought it was a good time to make them a card
and then I tried just using just the Christmas ball Barb had made has a card ....
.... and make sure you checkBarb blog and Nina's to see their awesome Mojo Cards and also a great friend's Val she has some awesome cards made up to.Well I hope you all have a great day.
Samantha's Advent calendars are incredible - THANK YOU Sammy, for your Christmas Card - first of the season and the photos of Ethan are too sweet.
Judy, your cards are amazing, so glad you could join in the challenge. I'm in awe how you used my Ornament Element - I did not even know anybody actually downloaded it! So very nice to see and I really appreciate it.
Good afternoon Judy:) I am stealing time so that I can leave you a comment.LOL I LOVE the advent COOL!! and your cards are awesome!! Way to go girlfriend!!:) I agree your Ethan is gonna be an artist. I think it's called abstract?hehe Just hope he sticks to the canvas and not to the walls.LOL Your ice photos make me shiver.brrrr...great pics!!:) Well..gotta run again..thought I would catch my breath for a second.:)
The girls are growing so fast and look so pretty!
Samantha's Advent calendars are incredible - THANK YOU Sammy, for your Christmas Card - first of the season and the photos of Ethan are too sweet.
Judy, your cards are amazing, so glad you could join in the challenge. I'm in awe how you used my Ornament Element - I did not even know anybody actually downloaded it! So very nice to see and I really appreciate it.
Love ya,
Love the advent calendars, Sam you have amazing talent.
I am not sure why you keep asking for classes Judy, your cards are wonderful.
Good afternoon Judy:)
I am stealing time so that I can leave you a comment.LOL
I LOVE the advent COOL!! and your cards are awesome!! Way to go girlfriend!!:)
I agree your Ethan is gonna be an artist. I think it's called abstract?hehe Just hope he sticks to the canvas and not to the walls.LOL
Your ice photos make me shiver.brrrr...great pics!!:)
Well..gotta run again..thought I would catch my breath for a second.:)
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