First of all to ALL a big thank you for your prayers ...positive thoughts and good wishes ...Friday the 26th was the happened at 8:00 a.m. UBC... I want to thank Bill and Maggie for opening their home ...I want to thank Uncle bob and Auntie Rose ...your words of positive thoughts the belief in the hospital I was going to and for having us all over for lunch the day before the surgery....
Bill ----- Uncle Bob ------ Bare
Bill ---- Auntie Rose ---- Bare
The flowers from all ...
Samantha you always pick beautiful bouquet's...
the house smelled so good when I got home ...which was Monday night...
Now the next picture below are my leg ...the cut for putting in a new knee...yes I had a complete new knee done I should set of the metal things off at the airports...hehehe
Staples in
staples out the physio starts.....
wow! those knee pictures are crazy.
Advice to anyone else...don't share with anyone who still has to eat dinner :) I told corey only to look if he was done eating but he came so i guess it's his fault right? lol
SOOOOOOOOO glad to have you home mom!
Sure do love ya!
Good evening Judy:)
So happy you finally got your new knee.:) You will be soo happy once you are able to walk again without all that pain.YAY!
Your flowers are soo pretty.Wish we had smellavision.:)
Take care and be sure to do your therapy.I know it will prolly hurt..but it will be worth it in the long run.Literally.:)
Huge hugs,
I can't believe you have your staples out so soon. Looks good.
Glad you are home safe and sound. Those photos of your knee are something else, sending well wishes though the air waves. It looks like you have had a mountain of support and those flowers are beautiful.
Wow Judy, that looks SO painful. Zikes! I agree with Nina - so glad you are home, safe, sound and beginning the journey to good health.
All your flowers are lovely, obviously you are much loved.
Talk to you soon,
Love Barb
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