Well here we are in to the 4th of January...the weather is so mild and things are melting. Where we are parked we can see for some distance even over Kamloops...it is a pretty view. Below us is a little pond the people in this area have cleaned it and all can skate on it ...Melissa and her friend are hoping to do that today....it is Barry’s last day off then he is back for 4 days ...so it will be a relaxing day for him.
It is hard to believe...we are going on to our 7 month of living in our fifth wheel ....wow
So today Lord I ask for my words to be pleasing to You today. Set a watch over my lips, so that I will know when to speak and when to remain silent. I pray that out of my mouth will flow words of wisdom and kindness. May my speech always be gracious, “seasoned with salt.” May I know how to respond to each person I encounter. May I be slow to speak and slow to become angry. Help me to listen carefully to others, not interrupting their conversations. Prompt me to speak fitting words. Thank You for helping this important area today. In Jesus name, amen.
It is hard to believe...we are going on to our 7 month of living in our fifth wheel ....wow

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
In this area I have lots to learn...need to learn to slow down and listen...since hurting my knee and seeing at this time they will not do the operation. I have found me feeling sorry for me ...and poor me and all that other stuff that comes with me stuff. It has been hard for me to let go of my independence...and to take the help and the words of love ...I ask for their forgiveness ...and ask for them to understand ...and ask the Lord to also work in this area ...for me to see it is in love they offer the help ....and helpful hand.

Good prayer Judy! We are all guilty of this at times. How the Lord must weep when He hears what we say. I've heard it said that we have TWO ears and only ONE mouth because we should LISTEN twice as much as we SPEAK. I'm always learning this lesson.
I will pray for your knees... this must be very difficult!
Love you!
What a wonderful layout Judy. Your pictures are pretty amazing as well. HAppy Belated B-day Patty :)
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