
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well we started Christmas eve off with a wiener roast works ...and of course the big question asked of Candy....and very excited kids ...for they all knew Santa was coming. So by the pictures you can see all had fun even the big kids... Barry and I would like to say a BIG THANKS TO THE JOHNSON FAMILY for opening their homes and making us feel like it was our home to.... the day was spent relaxing and eating ..great fun...

Here is a picture of Samantha ..doing her thing

Here's Patty and the girls by their was a nice tree...

Well I wish you all a Happy New Years ..and may the Lord Bless you All

Barry and I hope this is a year of family and friends meeting and making memories....

We love you all


Anonymous said...

Doing my thing :) whats that suppose to mean :) I just like speed and machines that's all. Love ya ma!!!!

Being Mrs Miles said...

Wow - impressive jump Sam!

Wonderful pics again Judy, thanks for sharing your Christmas with us. You have a lovely family!
