Well this week is the last week the kids have to play ....but our girl has started the road to getting ready for school ..she is entering Grade 7 ...and it is a biggy. Monday new colors for her braces and today the haircut ..the new look for the start of school ..and our little girl looks so good. Next is clothes shopping .
This weekend is filled right up ...from fishing and having fun and seeing family.
Can't wait to see them.
MELISSA - you look BEAUTIFUL - what an elegant new look. Yikes, I think you look like a ... teen TEEN now, you know what I mean? Just Gorgeous.
Judy, your layout is perfect - and thanks for sharing. Will you miss your girl when she heads off on Monday?
I hope your clothes shopping goes well - don't forget to buy yourself something new, after all if you have to drop Melissa off then you want to look nice too LOL! Ok, so I'm enabling you to pamper yourself a bit. Do it for ME...
And you say family visit? Woo Hoo.. no DO GO BUY yourself something nice for the occaision - I'll be looking here on your bloggie to see.
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