Wow it is Tuesday ..summer is moving along so fast ...Bare has had 38 days off and they have been filled with lots of traveling, fishing and visiting with family and friends. This is our last week off so we are doing the North Thompson River ..the river has some good rapids at this time of the year ...we will do a night on the river on one of the great sandy islands that has been formed from the lower river and do some fishing ...I am praying the weather holds for us ...also I hope to get some neat pictures. Barry's next break will be at the end of September.
These holidays have been a really eye opener to many things ...and has open so many things and shown so many things. You learn alot and grow alot ..when colors are shown.
I want to thank my SIL Barb for all the help in learn and giving me the words and love needed to step forward in all doing the layouts and for all the ladies I have been able to chat to for any ideas. I love this scrapbooking ..and the kits that you can get are awesome out of this world ...Olivia(aka Mrs Miles ) like DSO and Sophia Shoppe so if you are even interesting check these shops out ..they even have tutorials to. Well KimB put out a color challenge...and I thought I would like to create some of my own stuff ..well ya ...I will keep working on that . But I did do a layout using elements and paper from other ladies who do know how to create beautiful elements , paper...awesome stuff.
Happy Birthday Maggie
Today is Maggie's b-day ...she is our sister-in-law..hope Billy is spoiling you rotten...enjoy your day and your guys holidays.
Well here it is Kim ..the color challenge layout ...see what I mean about talented ladies.Now I hope I dont forget to thank one of the ladies who product I used for this layout :
KimB for the color challenge these are beautiful colors.
AndreaWhitt--Flower Patch Kit
Digimon --Summer Blues
Queen and the Princess Designs --- QP for DSOCC-Aug
Joni Gray ---Gentle Breezes Kit
CJozzy ---Flowers Feed the Soul Kit
Please forgive me if I have even missed one of you very talented ladies ..there are some very awesome papers ....elements much stuff.

This is Maggie's granddaughter ..we had the privilege of meeting Sienna this summer ...she loves to put animals or things to people are a few that I know of ..for some of the different people she knows ...who summer is the best for you girl.
thanks to Olivia for the kit Peppermint & Polka Dots used for this layout
Well people time for me to get packed and get going ...say a little prayer for Bare and I
What a pretty layout of Maggie! Happy Birfday to 'da girl'! I'm sure Brudder Billy would pamper her silly!
Judy, you did terrific with your layout I did not read the rules for Kim's color challange and I was sort of expecting you to ask me for help but you did it 'all by yourself!' WOW. You've come a long way.
Boy, was it really THIRTY EIGHT days off for Barry? Thats amazing. You folks sure did pack in a lot of vacation in that time. I'm sure Melissa will have fond memories of this summer.
Siennas a little sweetie - thanks for sharing.
I hope you and Barry made it ok!
hugs from me!
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