Some of you know that my Granddaughter goes to a Science School ... last year they started a pond to show how the water world works has turned into a very awesome place with many learning things for the teachers to show the kids ...I would like to say a special thanks to Mr Bloom and all his hard work and the kids that help get the garbage and other things that seem to fall into the pond all our doing a great job.

Well some of you will remember I had a picture of my dad's stop sign garden ...well as you can see it is over loaded with awesome tomatoes , cucumbers, and mom's peppers ...their yard is beautiful...way to go you two
Dave & Neti Alberta Holiday
Remember I said I would be showing some awesome this slideshow ...well look at my sister -in-laws fish ...way to go Neti .....I love it oh ya Dave yours looks good to ....but Neti how great was that ...14 pounds ...WOW ...oh yes I should mention Dave's was 15 pounds you two.
Awesome rainbow
Dave Neti

Corey & Barry nice trouts guys
Dave and Neti at Suzanne Lake this weekend and Barry and Corey on Edith Lake ....boy some great fish everybody
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