This card Barb is sent with love ...your brother wishes you the best and you know he loves you with every fiber of his being. And well Melissa loves her Auntie Barb and says Auntie save me some of the cake....hehehe.
I hope the next few lines will tell you how I feel about you ...
I'm glad we share
a common bond of faith and family.
It joins our hearts
It joins our hearts
in a very special friendship
and makes me feel so close to you
in so many ways...
When my spirit is low,
I know I can come to you
When I have doubts,
you remind me where I can go
for ans.wers...
and when I'm feeling happy
and strong in my faith and myself,
I have you
to share that with, too.
God has blessed me
God has blessed me
with a very beautiful and real
with you....
and I just wanted you to know
I'm very THANKFUL for it.
I wish and pray the very best
for you this birthday day.
all my love BARB
from me
Well Barb I hope you enjoy the card ...other than the pictures which are all you ...
the layout flowers ...paper ...the little bee ...I made and did save
them as png ..I so wanted to do the layout using what I had done.
But I also want you to know that KimB helped me out ...she had wonderful ideas
I want to give her a BIG thank you ...
( Make sure to stop by KimB and Jazzy they have some awesome birthday freebies)(see you soon SIL)
Wonderful Layout Judy.I know Barb will love it.
Happy Birthday aunty Barb we love you lots ......What a beautiful layout for a beautiful person.....
AWWWWW - you MADE this for me???
I'm humbled Judy, I know what a jump this is for you, from scrapping to DESIGNING. I'm delighted you worked with Kim to make this for me - I'm so in awe. You guys are ruining my laptop w/ the tears of joy shed!
The poem is simply beautiful, Sis. Yes, I am grateful we can share our faith.
I'm looking forward to your visit. It will be a ton of fun.
This is so coming late but with out internet it is hard to get on here alot... Happy Belated Aunty Barb.
You did an awesome job mom and nice that you have people to give you support and to lend a hand when needed.
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