I love your bright face
when we talk seriously about the world
I love your smile
when you laugh at the inconsistencies in the
I love your eyes
when you are showing emotion
I love your mind
when you are discovering new ideas
and creating dreams to follow
Many people tell me that
they cannot talk to their children
that they cannot wait for them to leave home
I want you to know
that I enjoy you so much and
I look forward to any time we can spend
Not only are you my adored son
but you are also my friend
I am so proud of you
my son and
I love you
Don't Ever
Don't ever try to understand everything ~
some things will just never make sense.
Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings
when you're happy, give into it!
When you're not, live with it.
Don't ever be afraid to try to make things
better ~
you might be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders.
Don't ever feel threatened by the future ~
take life one day at a time.
Don't ever feel guilty about the past ~
what's done is done. Learn from any
you might have made.
Don't ever feel that you are alone ~
there is always somebody there for you
to reach out to.
Don't ever forget that you can achieve
so many of the things you can imagine ~
imagine that! It's not as hard as it seems.
Don't ever stop loving,
don't ever stop believing,
don't ever stop dreaming your dreams.
Don't Ever
Don't ever try to understand everything ~
some things will just never make sense.
Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings
when you're happy, give into it!
When you're not, live with it.
Don't ever be afraid to try to make things
better ~
you might be surprised at the results.
Don't ever take the weight of the world
on your shoulders.
Don't ever feel threatened by the future ~
take life one day at a time.
Don't ever feel guilty about the past ~
what's done is done. Learn from any
you might have made.
Don't ever feel that you are alone ~
there is always somebody there for you
to reach out to.
Don't ever forget that you can achieve
so many of the things you can imagine ~
imagine that! It's not as hard as it seems.
Don't ever stop loving,
don't ever stop believing,
don't ever stop dreaming your dreams.
My son I love you more than even these words can say ...I pray the very best that the Lord has for you ...and that in your heart you will know how much you are loved by me ...by this family .
Your sisters would be lost without their brother and his family ..please always remember that
Candy and Samantha and Patty are there for you. (always).
And Dad is so very proud of you ...you make him glow inside to see where you have come from to where you are now .
Melissa loves you Uncle Shawn....XOXOXO
Happy Birthday Shawn! We are sure Mindi and the girls are spoiling you like crazy!
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