The start of our trip to Sparwood ...a place we love to visit ....David and Neti here we come....
We left Wednesday ...yes rain and lots of rainbows it...
this rainbow was just outside of Invermere....we were driving so the picture isn't the clearest....
Now my SIL Neti ...loves to sew sell jewelry and she is the best at it off to Baynes Lake where they have a farmers market every Saturday ...and Neti helped me set a table with some of my cards ...and yes I did sell a couple ...with her encouragement ....thanks Neti was fun
my table of cards
lots of people from all over....and yes the sun shone for us
Now while the girls did the craft thing the boys did a bike ride ...we had taken Barry's bike down on the trailer because of the rain...but the boys knew once that sun shone they were gone ...David took Bare on about a 6 hour ride ...and let me tell you Bare loved it.... thanks so much David meant a lot.
there's a Bare in those flowers
one of the evening ...we headed to the river for some river fishing ...Neti is way up front there .then the boys well we all know who has the horse shoe ...yes the Bare
that fish did not want it's picture taken ...but Bare finally got it under control...
these pretty little flowers were in bloom ...Neti said that the natives take them and spray them with color and sell them they are so neat...
Couple of the nights Neti and I headed over to Pincher Creek ...they have a Walmart there that carries groceries and the price are great .....Neti picked up some pineapples ...boy were they good...these pictures were of skies has we drove home ...
you can see the rain coming down ..
Now these are flowers from the lake we went to in Alberta Keyho Lake
yes we are off to pike fish ....the sun is shining and no wind...
David's new look
Bare and Neti were the only two who got to keep pike ...lots were caught but they have to be over 63cm ...well ...3 were kept..
now on this lake there were pelicans ...oh I think those birds are so neat ...but you can never get to close to them ...but today was different ....a fish had been caught ...and released ...but before this fish could get a way the pelicans moved in was so neat to watch ....I believe David got a video of it ...hope Neti posts it.Now if you look at the next picture
yes this one ....notice the bird right up front there look how big his neck is compare to the other birds ...guess who got the was something to watch
this in on the way home ...we got back last night ....and the sun was shining for the drive ...and yes Bare unloaded the bike and drove home on it time we are going to try just the bike for the ride....
Good afternoon Judy:)
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment for me.LOVE your visits!! got some really COOL pics on your trip!! Congratulations on selling some of your cards.I bet you were thrilled.:)
The rainbows sure are pretty.I always love to see those.Don't like the storms that come through in order to have them though.LOL
Can't wait to see your card for this weeks Mojo.:)
Great picutres Ma! Glad you and dad were able to get away and well have some what of a relaxing trip...if only your daughter would stop
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your Mojo.
lots of love
I agree - your pics are all so interesting and feels like we got to travel along with you. What a family of fishers you all are - the fish don't have a chance.
The fair looks like a ton of fun, to get to visit, be at a happy event and even sell something. You deserve it!
Thanks for sharing and showing.
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