Mojo Monday and I am posting...what is going on ...well round cards always get me thinking here goes a round but 3d look ....I don't have the spellbinder punches or cards already punched with a scallop edge I try to create what I can with what I below is my round card... so what do you think...the paper has sparkles on it ...need to learn how to take better pictures of my cards...hope the next picture shows you what I mean but 3d..... and here is the square card ...I know not to much thought there....but I love the blue I picked ...
now the papers are Micheal's recollection stock...the flowers a package I picked up a Micheal's the words used in the second card were from TLC boy I am thankful for that site ...I don't have many word stamps ...and there at TLC you can pick up some great stuff.
Now I am sure that Barb, Nina, Samantha and Val will have their cards up soon make sure you check them out will found their names under family and friends...and check out Neti's site some awesome embroider there.
Have a great week....hugs to all