So what are your thoughts on my creation...hope to get better at them...now Barb I did try the rolled paper flowers..but ...well ...need practise or something. Thanks Barb for pointing us all to the flowers ...and the place to watch them being made....
now here is the link Val give me just click on it and off you go
Wow!! You were a busy busy lady since i left you.
Your flowers turned out wonderful and your card is beauitful to.
Sure hope one day i will have the time to watch the videos and time to make some flowers.
Congrats to you getting the award and see its stuff like this that shows you were also deserving of this award.
Good morning Judy:)
WOW..your flowers turned out Fantastic!:) I LOVE your card too!!Way to go girl!
I gotta get me a scallop punch like that.:)
We had a really rough night last night.Thunderstorms and even small hail.It continued into the wee hours and Freedom(our dog) kept knocking stuff over..she does that when she is scared... so Jim had to get up and stay with her.LOL
All is quiet here this morning.YAY!:)
Have a wonderful day!!
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